DAYS 23 & 24, Coquimbo, Chile

DAY 23 Monday, February 6. At sea

Weather is nice, but cooler, around 70º.

We’ve been saying that it doesn’t feel like we’ve been away for over three weeks. Mary is trying needlepoint. For one thing, it’s too rough and cool for the pool.

DAY 24 Tuesday, February 7. Coquimbo, Chile

Sunny and warm at this area on the edge of the Atacama Desert.

Our excursion took us to see a “magic valley” out in what looks very much like parts of the Southwest of the US, dry, hilly ground with scattered shrubs and tough-looking trees. On some of the flat boulders there the guide pointed out patterns of deeply cut round holes, about as big around as a soda bottle, and deep enough to hold half a liter. One of these patterns was clearly the Southern Cross and surrounding constellations, others were a total mystery. Nearby, in a dry creek bed, were a number of large boulders, sandstone, I think. Many of these had split, and had pictures scratched on their flat sides, what archaeologists call petroglyphs.

plain photo of petroglyph with a copy with the designed emphasized
Photo of a petroglyph, plain and with the shallow markings pointed out

The other half of the excursion was to a new, forward-looking winery. It is very proud of its production process, which is carbon-neutral and recycles everything—green leaves and stems, etc. into animal feed, and the grape seeds into flour. Too bad the wine isn’t worth drinking. Good pisco, though.