DAYS 45 – 52
Today, Saturday, March 4, is Day 49. We are docked in Rio de Janeiro. Days 45 and 46 we were at sea, and I started feeling a cold coming on. Just to be safe I went to Medical the morning of Day 47, when the ship docked in Santos, Brazil. Turns out they gave both of us PCR tests, which turned out positive. We have been quarantined, confined to our suite until Day 52, March 7.
As a result we were not allowed ashore in Santos, the port for Sao Paolo, or here in Rio; and won’t be in Cabo Frio or Vitoria. Once we arrive in Salvador, Brazil, we will be allowed out, wearing a mask . . . if we test negative.
So I’ve been looking out our window. You can just make out Christ the Redeemer from the port. Here’s a first sketch—artists call it a value study, as it’s all in gray—of my impression of a slice of Rio.