This is a quick sketch of the car we’ve rented to take us to the airport (Not going to leave our car in long Term Parking for six months! But also not going to pay $1500 to fly to Charlotte and back.) It’s an anonymous Japanese sedan, in that metallic dinge color so popular today—one shade lighter than pocket lint. (Did I mention this was a Quick sketch?) Last time I rented a a car here they gave me a black, high-powered Dodge Charger. But this car is practically invisible, the same color as the road! (See the sketch? Did I mention is was quick?) I think it’s perfect for slipping out of town tomorrow before dawn.
Once we get to the Charlotte airport we take the 3:30pm—I think; you know I have to confer with Mary on these kinds of details—flight to San Francisco where we’ll stay overnight, boarding the cruise ship on Sunday.