
From My Travels


Here is some of the artwork from our trip in Asia in 2016 (I won’t bore you with all the little sketches, just a few of them!)


This is an iconic view of part of the Wall that is situated about a 1 1/2 hour drive from Beijing.The Great Wall of China at Jinshanling

The Great Wall of China at Jinshanling, acrylic 36 x 12 in.On the way there, though, the car broke down, so it took us considerably more time to get there. I figure that event deserves an on-site pen-and-ink drawing:

Another onsite pen-and-ink drawing is from the Buddhist temple in Beijing’s Summer Palace (no photos were allowed):

One final pen-and-ink drawing from Beijing, but not onsite, is of a scene in the hutongs:


Nepal has changed drastically since Mary was there last. Thamel used to be a bucolic backwater. Now it is a bustling urban zone. We walked through it on a bright and chilly day in November. This watercolor was made from photos:

Watercolor of a street in Thamel, Nepal
Thamel street scene


This protective spirit was depicted as a bas relief on a wall in the dzong in Thimpu:

Watercolor of a spirit that protects Bhagan

Here is a panorama of terraced rice fields near Paro:

The highlight of the Bhutan leg was a hike to the Tiger’s Nest monastery. This is the view from the adjoining peak:

Watercolor of the Tiger’s Nest Monastery
The Tiger’s Nest Monastery


I still have a lot of work ahead of me to document the Thailand leg of the journey, but here’s a painting of two statues in the Imperial Palace in Bangkok:

Two statues in the imperial garden in Bangkok
Two statues in the imperial garden in Bangkok. Acrylic


This is a view of Bagan from the famous hot-air balloon ride:

Bagan, view from a hot-air balloon
Bagan, view from a hot-air balloon. Acrylic, 36 x 12 in.

I was captivated by Inle Lake and its people. Here is a watercolor showing the bay where they parked their boats when they went to market:

A view of the docking area for market goers on market day at Myanmar’s Inle Lake

A couple fishing on the lake, with floating farms in the background:

Couple fishing on Inle Lake. Ink and watercolor


Vietnam was also a country that offered sights I still have to paint, but here are a couple of on-site pen-and-ink drawings from Halong Bay:


I will try to do a painting of the upper Mekong, which  is picturesque, but this waterfall near Luang Prabang was stunning:

Waterfall in Laos, near Luang Prabang
Waterfall in Laos, near Luang Prabang. Watercolor


The trip ended with a visit to the ruins of Angkor. Here are a couple of sketches (The onsite ones are too incomplete–it was too hot!)

One of the towers of the Bayan temple complex. Watercolor
The doorway in Ta Prohm that features in a “Tomb Raider” movie. Watercolor & gouache
A white tree growing in the midst of the ruins of Ta Prohm. Watercolor




I love to travel, and in 2015 Mary and I took a trip to Europe. Here are a few items from the countries we visited.


A watercolor from the Greek island of Santorini