DAYS 39-40 At sea

DAYS 39–40 February 22–23. At sea

It is taking us two days to travel from Stanley to Punto del Este, Uruguay, on the continent. In the meanwhile I’m trying a new technique for my picture of an island in Admiralty Bay. It features a receding glacier surrounded by very rough cliffs of gray and deep brown. This technique involves each feature of the rocky surface in ink, then filling in with colored pencil. Very time-consuming. Fun, but I don’t think the finished picture is successful. I think the cliffs upstage the glacier. I think I’ll try again at a later time, with a different approach.

picture of island with glacier
This glacier on an island in Admiralty Bay no longer reaches the sea; it is melting

Author: Steve

After spending years as an IT professional, creating and supporting systems for designers, writers, and editors, I am now pursuing a dream: to be an artist. I have "drawing on the brain"--not only do I feel compelled to draw all the time, I enjoy thinking about art.

4 thoughts on “DAYS 39-40 At sea”

  1. Hm-m-m, the glacier is coming across as a blank spot and yes, the cliffs are hogging scene. Perhaps working first in colored pencil then outlining and emphasizing with ink might do it. In any case, what a great opportunity to try new things and not have a time pressure.

  2. Hi Steve, Really enjoy the travel relays to us. Maybe try somegreens, blues and pinks in the ice. What the hec? 🙂

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